Since being accepted for the video game development project over summer I have had a few ideas that I've considered – including a simple scrolling platformer; some sort of strategy game; or my favourite idea, the digitisation of a hobby of mine, namely Pool.
It's important in any project to consider the feasibility of your ideas, which includes both managing lofty expectations and ensuring that you can produce something of interest in the given time – and with the resources you have access to. Since having an initial discussion with my project supervisor this semester I have done some more in-depth research into what has been produced by other students in a similar timeframe, and have been pleasantly surprised and impressed.
I've ultimately decided that building either a Pool or Snooker game is possible, and has in fact been done by students from other universities in a similar setting. I have some ideas on how to differentiate myself from these projects including the use of different technologies, which will serve as a learning opportunity as I am not so familiar with them; and by implementing new features not found in the projects I have encountered. This also leaves some room for creativity, without overshadowing the technical nature of the project, which creating another style of game may have done.
Some of these features might include an optional and preferably challenging, dynamic AI (I have only seen local multiplayer implemented), plus additional game modes, like allowing for either pool or snooker to be played (I have only seen the former). This will be worked on later into the development cycle, as I will work on a minimum viable product first, as is explained in my project plan.